Our Professional Courses

Our Professional Courses

For all courses CIMA Certificates issue from London – the citadel of international mediation and arbitration. For AfCFTA programs CIMA certificates issue from Accra, the citadel of the AfCFTA mediation and arbitration framework

International Mediation Practice

If you are interested in learning more about mediation, or are considering a career as an international mediator, this course is for you.


International Arbitration Practice

If you are interested in learning more about international arbitration, or are considering a career as an international arbitrator, this course is for you.


Law Masterclass for Mediators and Arbitrators

Enhance your competence as a non-legal professional arbitrator, adjudicator or mediator by taking CIMA’s Law Masterclass


Accelerated Route to International Mediation and Arbitration Fellowship

If you possess five or more years’ practical experience as a representative or practitioner in international arbitration or substantial but unassessed knowledge of international arbitration, we offer you our Global M&A Program. This track can take you to CIMA Fellowship (FCIMArb).


Virtual Diploma in International Commercial Arbitration Practice

If you are interested in learning more about international commercial arbitration, or are considering a career as an international commercial arbitrator, this course is for you.


Virtual Diploma in International Mediation & Arbitration Practice (AfCFTA)

If you are interested in international dispute with AfCFTA specialty, or are considering a career as an international mediator and arbitrator in the Africa international mediator and arbitrator in the Africa,


* Students from Africa and South-East Asia are eligible for a 5% discount.