Selecting the most suitable arbitrator or mediator is a pivotal decision in the dispute resolution journey. Parties engaging in the process seek professionals who possess a nuanced understanding of the intricacies, vulnerabilities, and nuances inherent in their specific cases and industries. CIMA ensures that arbitrators and mediators possess the necessary qualifications.
Expertise, defined by knowledge, prowess, mastery, and proficiency in specific fields, is paramount due to the high stakes involved. CIMA’s panels consist of:
- Accomplished lawyers with exceptional subject-matter expertise.
- Former judges and international adjudicators
- Business owners who comprehend the essence of the dispute.
- Beyond expertise in focused areas, CIMA panelists are mandated to undergo continuous education in the art and science of arbitration, ensuring their skills remain current.
Given the prominence of arbitration and mediation in the justice system, CIMA recognizes that arbitrators and mediators shoulder significant responsibilities and ethical obligations to both the public and the involved parties.
Parties engaging with CIMA can be confident that members on the Roster of International Mediators and Arbitrators adhere to stringent standards of ethics and possess extensive experience, affirming a commitment to the highest professional standards.

Francesco Campagna FCIMArb, ArbP
Honorary President
Francesco Campagna, Esq. FCIMArb, ArbP brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the role as an Honorary President. With a background in arbitration and a deep understanding of governance principles, he provides strategic guidance and oversight to ensure the organization’s objectives are met effectively.

Dr. Osei Bonsu Dickson, FCIMArb, ArbP
Global Vice-President
Dr. Osei Bonsu Dickson leads the organization with a focus on operational excellence and stakeholder engagement. With a strong background in international mediation, arbitration and a commitment to professional standards, he ensures that the organization remains at the forefront of the industry.

Ravi Daryanani
International Events, Certification, and Marketing
Ravi Darynani is responsible for driving international events, managing certification processes, and overseeing marketing initiatives. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for promoting the organization’s mission, he plays a key role in expanding its global reach and enhancing its reputation.

Chaitanya Rani
IT and Cybersecurity
Chaitanya Rani oversees IT infrastructure and cybersecurity measures, ensuring the organization’s digital assets are protected and its technological systems are efficient and reliable. With a focus on innovation and risk management, she helps the organization stay ahead of emerging threats and technological advancements.